Witch Week 2021

I haven’t updated in ages (feels like it), but here’s a quick post to say that Witch Week is around the corner and you can get all the details at Lizzie Ross’s blog!

I think I’ve said before that I don’t celebrate Halloween, but I do pay attention if the festivities are linked to books and writing. Will be joining in the shenanigans and will try to look like the chap in the pic (not easy considering how I’m totally the opposite of bony).

Bright Landscapes Ebook

My short story collection Bright Landscapes is now available as an ebook, published by Langsuyar Press. The ebook is a revised edition of the original collection and contains additional notes and illustrations.

Bright Landscapes comprises ten stories inspired by Malaysian/Asian myths, legends and supernatural beliefs.

The book costs USD4 and, at the moment, PayPal is the only pay option for readers outside Malaysia (Malaysians or anyone with a Malaysian bank account can pay by fund transfer, email me at daphne@daphnelee.org).

Please leave a note telling me the email you’d like the ebook sent to. Thank you for buying the book, I hope you enjoy it. All comments are welcome on Goodreads.

Order Bright Landscapes!